Registration Form If you have difficulty with the form, don't hesitate to ask us for help. A * means that the question is compulsory, you won't be able to send the form without it. Your Name (required) *Your Address (please include your country) Your Email (required) Home Telephone (include country code if applicable) Mobile Phone (include country code if applicable) *Would you like to join our Goddess Temple Mailing List? You will receive updates and information about courses and occasional Goddess Temple and Goddess House news. You can, of course, choose to unsubscribe at any time. yesno *Please confirm whether you're registering for the full Summer Celebration weekend, or the Saturday or Sunday only: —Please choose an option—Full weekendSaturday onlySunday only Accessibility Needs Please note that the text areas below will expand to allow 512 characters (with a counter below to let you know where you're up to). If you need more room there is a further space for any other info below, if still more is needed, please send us a separate email with further details. It will help if we can easily cross-reference an email with your form, so please include in the email your full name and address. If you have Accessibility Needs, please tell us about them below: 0 Please use the space below for any other information you need us to know. 0 I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy. Are you human? Help protect us all from automated spam by completing the simple "captcha" below. Which is bigger, 2 or 8? Δ