In the Heart of the Goddess

Train in Glastonbury, the Gateway to the Sacred Isle of Avalon, to become a

Priestess of Avalon/Priest of Avalon

Glastonbury Tor

In service to Goddess who is Lady of Avalon

Three Year, Three Spiral Training

Priestesses of Avalon Kit Crowther, Patricia Sutherland and Kathy Jones

2024 / 2025 / 2026

An interview with Kathy and Mike Jones: What does being a Priestess of Avalon mean?

In 2024 the First Spiral begins in Glastonbury on  26/27 October.

NB: The Priestess of Avalon Training is only open to people living in the Northern hemisphere as we follow the cycle of the Seasons of Her nature here, and you need to be able to visit and experience the land here eight times in the Glastonbury Training, and at least 3 times a year in the Correspondence Training.

Priestess of Avalon Trainings in Glastonbury

Tor with swan

photo: Kathy Jones

In ancient times the role of a Priestess or Priest of the Goddess was recognized as a Sacred Calling, a life lived in service to Goddess within one of Her Sacred Temples, found all around the world in many different cultures. The majority of those Goddess Temples were destroyed when patriarchal forces took over the world thousands of years ago.

Thankfully Goddess is returning to our awareness. She is once again being recognised as Divine Source and Great Mother of All. Many women and some men are beginning to re-member and re-claim an ancient path of devotion and service to Goddess. Communities and Temples of Goddess are being built anew in Her world, allowing people to come together to learn who Goddess is, to celebrate Her, to recreate Her Sacred Sanctuaries and to experience Her wonderful loving nature.

The Three Year, Three Spiral Priestess/Priest of Avalon training based in Glastonbury offers you a wonderful opportunity to train in the first Spiral to become a Sister or Brother of Avalon, the Sacred Land of Goddess, and then to become a Priestess or Priest of Goddess and of Avalon. It allows you to remember this ancient calling, journeying deeply into the Heart of the Goddess in Avalon and in Brigit’s Isles, connecting to Bridannia, Britannia, Brigit-Anna, and our indigenous British Goddesses, to the Lady of Avalon and the Nine Morgen Sisters, to Her Sacred Isle of Avalon and Her Mysteries.

Priestess of Avalon Trainings by Email

altar detail

photo: Kathy Jones

The Priest/ess of Avalon Email Correspondence Course is open to women and men who would like to take part in the In the Heart of the Goddess training programme in Glastonbury, England, but who are unable to do so for reasons of distance, finance, family or other considerations.

The full training course with its many circles held in Glastonbury over three years is the best way to learn to become a Priestess of Avalon, but sometimes it is not possible to do this. Priestess of Avalon Kathy Jones, the course founder, offers this opportunity of distance training to suitable applicants working in conjunction with Priestess Tutor Kit Crowther and Kathy’s book Priestess of Avalon, Priestess of the Goddess (Ariadne Publications).

At the beginning of the First Spiral students are given the course book Priestess of Avalon, Priestess of the Goddess, or another of Kathy’s books if they already have this one. This book lays the Foundation for the teaching throughout the Three Spirals. You are also given a copy of Remembering the Nine Morgens, the Nine Sisters of Avalon (Ariadne Publications).

The minimum age for students on this email course is 23 years of age and  younger students will need to provide proof of their age.

NB: The Priestess of Avalon Training is only open to people living in the Northern hemisphere as we follow the cycle of the Seasons of Her nature here, and you need to be able to visit and experience the land here at least 3 times a year in the Correspondence Training.

Watch this video to learn lots more about the training from the course tutors!