Experience the Magic


Misty Tor

Saturday 14th June

9.45am -5.00pm and 7.00 pm-10.00pm

Please arrive at the Assembly Rooms by 9.45 am so that you can register. The day begins at 10am. You may like to bring flowers to add to the altar.

Throughout the day and evening there will be opportunities to take part in Ceremonies of Releasing, Healing, Transformation and Rebirth. We will be journeying into the Mystery Lands of Avalon to meet the Lady, with music, singing and dancing, sacred companionship and caring support.

There will be a lunch break at about 1.00pm which you can buy in the Assembly Rooms café or go out into town.

Daytime events on Saturday end at 5.00 pm, when you can go for supper.

Please return by 7.00pm to enter the evening Ceremonial Mysteries of the Lady of Avalon and Her Nine Morgen Daughters. Allow yourself to be taken on a Magical Journey of imagination and physical reality to meet Her Holy expression as embodied and held by Her Priestesses. The evening ends at about 10.00pm.

Lady of Avalon Weekend 2024 - photo: Katia Pulli

Lady of Avalon Weekend 2024

Lady of Avalon Weekend 2024 - photo: Katia Pulli

Lady of Avalon Weekend 2024

Sunday 15th June


Please gather at 9.45 am in front of Goddess House. On our Pilgrimage we will hold Ceremonies in some of the Sacred Places of Glastonbury Avalon. We will sing songs of praise for the Lady together. We will make offerings to Her with our prayers. Please bring your own biodegradable offerings from your own lands – spring water, flower petals, seeds, etc.

On Sunday, please bring a packed lunch and refreshments with something to share, for the time when we are out on the land. We will pause for lunch at about 1.00pm.

The day ends ceremonially at 4.00pm.

Lady of Avalon Weekend 2024 - photo: Katia Pulli

Lady of Avalon Weekend 2024

Fringe Events: Friday 13th June

Watch this space for more information!

Lady of Avalon Weekend 2024 - photo: Katia Pulli

Lady of Avalon Weekend 2024

Priestess Ceremonialists and Weavers include:

Kathy Jones, Sally Pullinger, Sue Quatermass, Tressy Driver, Anna-Saqqara Price, Lisa Fletcher, Sharlea Sparrow, Michelle Braniff Williams, Trevor Nuthall, Mike Jones and Chrystèle LaFaye.

Accessibility Needs

Please let us know on the Registration Form your accessibility needs for Saturday and Sunday.

Sunlit Tor
Moonlit Tor

Ticket prices for Saturday and Sunday:

Earlybird Tickets bought before 1st February 2025 cost £140 per person for the weekend (Saturday and Sunday)

Full weekend tickets after 1st February cost £160 per person.

Saturday Only Tickets cost £90 per person

Sunday Only Tickets cost £70 per person

Book your place early as there is a limit on the number of tickets.

A non-refundable deposit of £70 secures your place for the full weekend. For Earlybird tickets you may pay the balance of £70 at any time up to 31st January 2025. After that the balance of £90 must be paid by 14th June 2025.

If you are paying for the Saturday or Sunday only  a non-refundable deposit of £50 secures your place, with the balance due anytime up to Saturday 14th June 2025.

Friday Fringe events

Information to follow.


With very many thanks to  Katia Pulli for the many wonderful images from the Lady of Avalon Weekend 2024.