Course Dates and Details

Session 1-New Moon- Nov 1, 2024: Online: Live & Recorded session: 2 hours

  • Meet and Greet/ Ceremony of Plants / Introduce: Botany, Plant structure, Family characteristics, ID’ing & field guides, Latin names / Begin Herb walks
  • Homework: Herb walk find 6 plants and ID / Draw plant structure / Family characteristics quiz / Latin names quiz / Choose and procure a book for your Herbal Recipe Book.
  • Make a herbal bath or sitz bath or yoni steam– take notes and photos for recipe book.
  • Assigned reading

Nov 2-3, 2024: Herbal medicine making/ plant walk weekend in Goddess House Glastonbury, UK

  • Day 1 : Tea tasting- roots, seeds, barks, aerial parts / start a tincture together / start an herbal oil for external use / make a salve / make a suppository together in the Goddess House kitchen.
  • Day 2: Plant walk around the Tor (half of a day). We will harvest, clean and prepare our plants for drying and storage.
    Additional: video of this Plant Walk at the Chalice Well in Glastonbury will be made available to all students.

Session 2-Full moon- Nov 15, 2024: Live & Recorded session: 2 hours

  • Harvesting / drying / medicine preparations / Plant Actions / Plant Dedications Ceremony
  • Homework: Harvest / Dry: roots or bark or aerial parts– take notes and photos for recipe book.
  • Assigned reading

Session 3-New Moon- Nov 30, 2024: On-line: Live and Recorded session: 2 hours

  • Contraindications / 4 categories of Female herbs / Begin Plant profiles.
  • Homework: Start Tincture: Alcohol or Glycerine or Vinegar; take notes & photos for recipe book.
    • Begin plant profiles.

Session 4-Full Moon- Dec 15, 2024: On-line: Live and Recorded session: 2 hours.

  • 1st&2nd Trimester: Support liver and kidneys / Nervines / Nausea / Sleep / Heartburn.
  • Plant Profiles (Red Raspberry / Oatstraw / Alfalfa / Dandelion / Nettle / Ginger / Chamomile).
  • Homework: Herbal Syrup: take notes and photos for recipe book.
    • Plant profiles.

Session 5- New Moon- Dec 30, 2024: On-line: Live and Recorded session: 2 hours.

  • 3rd trimester: Leg cramps / edema / sciatica/ hemorrhoids / labor prep.
  • Plant profiles (Echinacea / mints / marshmallow / Lavender / garlic / Blk Cohosh / Blue cohosh).
  • Homework: Encapsulation; take notes and photos for recipe book.
  • Start Infused Herbal Oil for external use; take notes and photos for recipe book.
    • Plant profiles.

Session 6- Full Moon- Jan 13, 2025: On-line: Live and Recorded session: 2 hours.

  • Labor & birth / Induction / Hemorrhage / Afterbirth contractions / placenta).
  • Plant profiles ( Motherwort / Cayenne / Crampbark / Angelica / Shepard’s Purse / Castor Oil / Yarrow).
  • Homework: Strain tinctures: take notes and photos for recipe book.
    • Plant profiles

Session 7- New Moon- Jan 29, 2025: On-line: Live and Recorded session: 2 hours

  • Postpartum, baby blues and PPMD’s.
  • Plant profiles (Calendula / Plantain / Witch hazel / Skullcap / St John’s Wort / Lemon Balm).
  • Homework: Start Herbal Liniment; take notes and photos for recipe book.
    • Plant profiles

Session 8- Full Moon- Feb 12, 2025: On-line: Live and Recorded session: 2 hours.

  • Lactation / Healing after Cesarean Birth.
  • Plant profiles (Valerian / Yarrow / Fennel / Catmint / Blessed thistle / Fenugreek).
  • Homework: Strain Herbal Oils and Salve making; take notes and photos for recipe book
    •  Create your herbal birthkeeper kit / basket

Session 9- New Moon- Feb 27, 2025: On-line: Live and Recorded session: 2 hours

  •  Birthkeepers Herbal Kit & Recipe Book: sharing circle
    • Closing circle