Summer Ceremonial Celebration


A Glastonbury Goddess Temple and MotherWorld Event

Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th June 2024

Lady of Avalon, by Jonathan Minshull

Lady of Avalon, by Jonathan Minshull

Join us here in Glastonbury as we celebrate the Lady of Avalon, She who is Goddess in the Sacred Land of Avalon, and Her Nine Morgen Daughters. Immerse yourself in the Heart energies of Avalon as we explore and honour the Lady and Her Mysteries, and experience Her transforming love, and the elemental healing gifts of the Nine Morgens.

We invite you to step through the Veil to Avalon to experience Her Mysteries. Over the two days we will make inner and outer journeys into Avalon meeting the Lady and Her Daughters. The Lady of Avalon is Goddess of love, deep healing and transformation. She changes everything She touches. Her daughters are elemental beings who have the power to consume negative thoughts and wounding from this life and previous lives. They remove obstacles on the path of spiritual development.

This weekend is one of deep immersion in the Mysteries of the Isle of Avalon, to the Lady and Her Nine Morgen daughters, accompanying Priestesses and Priests of Avalon who are devoted to the Lady.

On Saturday we will take an inner journey into the Mysterium of the Lady of Avalon, a Magical and Holy place. We will travel across the Lake to the Sacred Isle of Avalon, passing through Her Veil of Mystery and into Her Otherworldly realms. We will explore the inner landscapes of Avalon with sound and music and will meet the Lady and the Nine Morgens, embodied by Her Priestesses.

On Sunday we will take the Morgen Meander through the landscape of Glastonbury Avalon walking around the edges of Stonedown and Glastonbury’s Mother Tor. We will find the Lady and Her Morgens out in the physical and spiritual environment, offering all that no longer serves us or Her into Her transforming nature.

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Summer Celebration 2023

Summer Celebration 2023

Summer Celebration 2023