Summer Ceremonial Celebration


Misty Tor

Saturday 8th June

9.30am -5.00pm and 7.00 pm-10.30pm

Morning Registration begins at Goddess Hall, Benedict Street, Glastonbury at 9.30am. Bring flowers to place on the central altar.

10.00am Our ceremonial day begins with an Opening Ceremony, calling in the energies of the Lady of Avalon and the Nine Morgens. Journeying in the Barge to Avalon.

Followed by an Inner Journey into the Mysteries of Avalon

Shared Lunch – please bring lunch to share.

Saturday afternoon 2.00-5.00pm

Gather at the Goddess Hall to continue our deep inner journey into the Mysteries of Avalon.

Supper between 5.00 and 7.00pm Find your supper in Glastonbury town.

7.00pm Return to the Goddess Hall to enter the evening Ceremonial Mysteries of Avalon. Allow yourself to be taken on a Magical Journey of imagination and physical reality to meet the Holy Embodiments of the Lady of Avalon and Her Nine Morgen Daughters, held by Her Priestesses. The evening ends at about 10.00pm. Join in with music and songs from wonderful Goddess musicians.

Summer Celebration 2023

Summer Celebration 2023

Summer Celebration 2023

Summer Celebration 2023

Sunday 9th June


Gather at 9.45 am in the front garden at Goddess Hall for the Ceremonial Opening of the day. From there we make a pilgrimage together through the Sacred Landscape of Avalon.  This walk through the landscape includes Songs and Prayers to the Lady and the Morgens and Elemental ceremonies. In a special Morgen Healing ceremony we will offer the Nine our wounded places to consume, symbolised by offerings of food we give to the Morgens, which can include fruit, nuts, chocolate, etc. As they consume our offerings our wounds are transformed and healed.

On Sunday we will pause for lunch at about 1.00pm.

Please bring your own packed lunch and refreshments with something to share with others.
Please also bring biodegradable offerings from your own lands – flower petals, seeds, etc.. to gift to the Lady and the land with your prayers

In the afternoon we continue our journey. We end the day by journeying ceremonially in the Barge back from the Sacred Isle of Avalon to the mainland.

The day ends at 5.00pm.

Summer Celebration 2023

Summer Celebration 2023

Fringe Events: Friday 7th June

Walking to Avalon Fringe Event with Priestess of Avalon Iona Jones in the afternoon, 2.00-4.00pm, walking into Avalon £25

Temple Treasures evening event 7.00pm in the Goddess Temple, Glastonbury Experience Courtyard. £15

Summer Celebration 2023

Summer Celebration 2023

Summer Celebration 2023

Summer Celebration 2023

Priestess Ceremonialists and Weavers include:

Kathy Jones, Sally Pullinger, Susie Quatermass, Tressy Driver, Anna-Saqqara Price, Patricia Sutherland, Lisa Fletcher, Sharlea Sparrow, Michelle Braniff Williams, Trevor Nuthall, Mike Jones and Chrystèle LaFaye.

Accessibility Needs

Please let us know on the Registration Form your accessibility needs for Saturday. On Sunday we are not providing alternative events.


Sunlit Tor
Moonlit Tor


Ticket prices for Saturday and Sunday:

Weekend Tickets (Saturday and Sunday) cost £180 per person

Saturday Tickets only cost £100 per person.

Sunday Tickets only cost £80 per person.

A non-refundable deposit of £90 secures your place. You may pay the balance of fees at any time up to the weekend start date of 8th June 2024.

If you are paying for the Saturday only  a non-refundable deposit of £50 secures your place, with the balance of £50 due anytime up to Saturday 8th June 2024.

For the Sunday only a non-refundable deposit of £40 secures your place, with the balance of £40 due anytime up to Saturday 8th June 2024.

Friday Fringe events

Walking to Avalon £25
Temple Treasures – Pay on arrival.