The Way of the Oracle

Spiral Two, 2023

Course Dates and Details

Circle One: Saturday 28 January 2023 6.00 – 9.00pm

Coming back into the Temple of Oracles. Celebrating the Goddess of Air, of the Breath, of the Voice, of Her Divine Expression. Journey to the Temple of the Lady of Avalon to receive Her blessings for the Second Spiral.

Circle Two: Saturday 18 February 2023 6.00 – 9.00pm

Calling in the Inspiration of Goddess Bridget and the Seasonal Goddesses in your lands. Bringing through Her messages of New Beginnings and Inspirations, New Ideas. What does Goddess tell you about Her New Creation, Her MotherWorld?

Circle Three: Sunday 19 March 2023 6.00 – 9.00pm

Bringing through Goddess Wisdom as Balance and Equilibrium this Spring (or Autumn) Equinox. What elements within you need balancing at this time, so that your being is a fertile ground for new growth? Sowing new seeds of intention for the empowerment of your journey as Her Oracle.

Circle Four: Saturday 8 April 2023 6.00 – 9.00pm

Goddess Flower Oracle.

Choose three flowers and sense their essence and bring forward their message from Goddess to you and for each other. Express the Voice of Goddess springing up in the pure expression of Her Wild Abundant Nature. Journey into Her Wild Abundant Nature to receive the blessings of Mother Earth.

Circle Five: Saturday 29 April 2023 6.00 – 9.00pm

Meeting of the feminine and masculine within all beings and throughout the earth and the cosmos.  What is the message of Goddess of Love to the inner feminine and masculine within women and men? Bring forward the Voice of Goddess into the group. Journey into the Lady’s Temple of Divine Inner Union.

Circle Six: Saturday 20 May 2023 6.00 – 9.00pm

Contemplating and expressing the Limitless Abundance of Goddess.
Bringing through Her Messages of Abundance to the World. Are you ready to come out and express the Voice of Goddess in a more public setting? Moving towards becoming totally visible as an Oracle and Voice of Goddess in the world, in particular at this stage, online.


From now on until the end of Spiral Two, each time four Oracle students will be asked to “perform” live, embodying Goddess for 12 – 15 minutes in front of the whole group, either in answer to particular questions brought by Priestess Sally or by members of the group, or students may bring through the flow of their own choosing, responding inwardly to what Goddess wishes to bring to the group in the moment. Or Practising Oracles can bring messages through on the particular themes brought forward in each Circle. This will add one hour to the meeting time.

Circle Seven:  Saturday 10 June 2023 5.30 – 9.30pm

Contemplating the Beauty of Goddess in all Her Forms. Journey to the Temple of the Lady of Avalon to receive the blessings of Her Beauty and Grace.

Circle Eight: Monday 3 July 5.30 – 9.30pm

Goddess is flowing, She is Water, She is Love. Visiting Goddess of the Deep Waters, receiving Her Blessings of  Limitless Infinite Flowing Love. We receive Her Medicine of Love and send it out into the world.

Messages of Love from Practising Oracles.

Circle Nine: Saturday July 22 July 2023 5.30 – 9.30pm

We are birthing Her New Earth. Journey into the ‘Future’ that is already now where She is creating Her New Earth. Practising Oracles speak of Her New Earth.

Circle Ten: Saturday 12 August 2023 5.30 – 9.30pm

Goddess of Power. Lioness Gate (August 8th is the centre point but the alignment extends beyond that date). Goddess Sekhmet, Lioness Goddess. Building your strong Lioness Heart to hold you strong and bring you confidence and inner strength to ‘stand up and speak for Her’ in the world. Journey to the Temple of Sekhmet to receive Her Divine Empowerment. Messages of Empowerment from Practising Oracles.

Circle Eleven: Saturday 2 September 2023 5.30 – 9.30pm 

Goddess of the Harvest. Making our offerings of Gratitude. Honouring of Goddess of the Earth. Journey deep into the Heart of Gaia. Practising Oracles bring through the Voices of Mother Earth, Gaia, Tara, other Goddesses of Earth and Place.

Circle Twelve: Saturday 23 September 2023 5.30 – 9.30pm or longer

Equinox. Manifestation, grounding, seeing the results of all your work, inside and out. Showing and voicing your appreciation of your journey of development and transformation during these two years. Self assessment statement from each member about themselves. Dedication of yourselves (if you so choose) as Priestess/Priest Oracle and Statement of your Intention and Commitment to stand up as Her Oracle and bring Her Voice forward to be heard in the world.

These dedications will be made while Sally is embodying Goddess listening to you. This session cannot really be timed and will finish when it is complete.

Circle Thirteen: Saturday 14 October 2023 5.30 – 9.30pm

The Dark Goddess. Journey to the Temple of the Dark Mother. Gifts from her Dark Cave of Treasures.

This is the final TRAINING CIRCLE

Sally presents her feedback and assessment to each student, whether or not you fully dedicated as Oracle of the Goddess.

Circle Fourteen: Saturday 11 November, 5.30 – 9.30pm

The Experience of Oracling. Dedicated Oracle Priestesses and Priests Oracle for the wider general Goddess Online community to have the experience of giving Oracles online to unknown people. Some Oracles may want to answer more than one question from the Community.

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