Patricia Sutherland

My name is Patricia Sutherland and I live on the Jurassic Coast. I am a Priestess of Avalon, trained in the Avalonian lineage. I am a Priestess of Gaia and a Sister of the Silver Spiral. As the Tutor for the Second Spiral of the Priestess of Avalon Training, I am dedicated, in service, to the Lady of Avalon in all her aspects. I am a ceremonialist holding sacred space for Goddess and her people and an Oracle of Goddess, weaver of many practices of divination to see what is beyond. I am an intuitive healer combining many practices to heal others and Gaia our Mother Earth.
My love for Gaia, Mother Earth, holds no bounds and I use my gifts, bestowed upon me, to aid in healing Her and those that live upon Her. With my 21 years of experience with crystals, my work is designed to weave together the gifts from Gaia, following her seasonal cycles, which are intimately entwined and affect us on all levels.
My intention is to help support those who connect with my teachings, to become empowered and stir their inner knowing of the old ways in healing Gaia, Mother Earth, using the gifts that She bestows upon us. Her Earth, Her Waters, Her Air. In turn, we too will benefit, physically, emotionally and spiritually!
Patricia says “Our world is undergoing a metamorphosis. Floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, changes in weather patterns and pollution disasters show us that our Earth is restless and in distress. Yet, within all that disharmony, the Earth has also given us tools- in the form of crystals-that can turn our thoughts and actions towards positive healing for the planet, Gaia and for ourselves”.
“Come and join me on this journey of transformation.”