Iona Jones
Iona grew up and lives in the magical town of Glastonbury – the ancient Isle of Avalon. Here she is blessed to be a Priestess, Mother, Healer and offers Sacred Ceremonies and Goddess Pilgrimages. Iona has a deep connection to the Avalonian Mysteries and has undertaken seven years of Priestess trainings. She is a Priestess of Avalon, Priestess of Rhiannon, Priestess of the Stars and Goddess Luminary. Her path has been an incredibly healing and transformative experience that has opened her heart and soul. It has been a deep inner journey, one which has been beautiful, inspiring, empowering and activating. The trainings have deepened her skills and she has learned about Goddess Astrology, Goddess Leadership, Ceremonies, Blood Mysteries, Rites of Passage, Soul Healing, Journeying/Meditations, and the ancient arts of Oracling.
Iona feels passionate in supporting others to follow the path of their soul. She is particularly drawn to working with young women and wants to help them feel inspired and empowered in who they are, and where they are heading.