Sea Priestess

Course Overview


Circle One: The Call of the Sea Priestess.  27th/28th September 2025

10 am to 5 pm with a 1 ½ hour lunch break.

Awakening the Waters Within


As the tides pull upon the shore, so too does the ancient call of the Sea Priestess stir within us. In this opening weekend, we step into the liminal space where water, moon, and soul converge. Through guided ritual, embodiment practices, and sacred storytelling, we explore the deep wisdom of our watery nature—the realm of intuition, emotion, and the ever-shifting tides of our being.

We will attune ourselves to the rhythms of the moon, learning how her phases shape our inner landscape and how we can work in harmony with her cycles. Through elemental practices, we will deepen our connection to the sacred waters—both within and around us—opening the path to remembrance, flow, and emotional sovereignty.

This is the first step of our journey into the mysteries, where the Sea Priestess within begins to awaken, and the tides of transformation begin to rise.

14th December 2025

2-hour Online check-in.

Sea Priestess


Circle Two: The Sea Priestess and the Stars. 10th/11th January 2026.

10 am to 5 pm with a 1 ½ hour lunch break.

Navigating the Waters of Avalon and the Celestial Realms

Beyond the mist-laden shores of Avalon lies an ancient current of wisdom—one that flows between land, sea, and sky. In this session, we explore the relationship of the Sea Priestess to Avalonian Star lore, tracing her presence within the sacred landscapes of the Isle of Apples. As guardians of the threshold, Sea Priestesses have long stood at the meeting point of earth and cosmos, embodying the connection between the deep waters and the celestial realms above.

Through myth, meditation, and guided practice, we will work with the sacred waters of Avalon and open ourselves to the mysteries of the Sea Priestess lineage. We will explore the constellations and planetary tides that weave their influence through our journeys, learning to navigate by both the stars and the sea. As we align with these greater forces, we step more fully into the role of wayfinders—those who read the currents of fate and destiny.

15th March 2026

2-hour Online check-in.

Sea Priestess

Circle Three: The Oracle of the Sea Priestess. 18th/19th April 2026.

10 am to 5 pm with a 1 ½ hour lunch break.

Voices of the Deep—Oracular Traditions and the Art of Prophecy

The Sea Priestess is both a vessel and a voice—one who listens deeply to the whispers of the waves, the songs of the tides, and the wisdom carried upon the winds. In this session, we enter the sacred tradition of oracular work, learning to receive messages from the depths and speak with the authority of the waters.

Drawing from ancient methods of prophecy—water scrying, moonlit divination, and deep trance—we will awaken the oracle within. Through ritual and practice, we will be attuned to the elemental forces that guide us, learning how to discern truth from illusion, and how to carry the words of the unseen into the world with clarity and power.

As we step into this sacred practice, we embrace the responsibility of the Sea Priestess as a seer, guide, and vessel for divine wisdom.

17th May 2026

2-hour Online check-in.

Sea Priestess

Circle Four: The Deep Immersion. 20th/21st June 2026.

9am to 6pm excursion to the sea

Self-Initiation and Embodiment of the Sea Priestess Path

In this final gathering, we enter the waters of transformation fully—body, heart, and soul. This is the moment where we leave the shoreline behind and immerse ourselves in the mysteries, claiming the role of the Sea Priestess with devotion and sovereignty.

Participants can also choose if they wish a sacred self-initiation ritual. This is an opportunity for all participants regardless of whether they choose to self-initiate as a Sea Priestess to step across the threshold, acknowledging their journey and receiving the gifts that have emerged through their deep work. We will weave together the teachings of the sea, the stars, and Avalon, integrating all that has been learned and embodied.

This is not an ending but a beginning—an emergence into the world ready to navigate with wisdom, presence, and purpose.

As well as our four in-person gatherings we will also meet three times online for support and community, allowing us to share our journey in between circles.