Spiral Two 2025
Spring Equinox, 15th & 16th March 2025 (in person in Glastonbury weekend)
Cycles of Awakening
Standing as our ancestors did, we rise to greet Sol as She initiates the Spring Equinox, as we prepare to begin a brand new cycle. We ignite our power to be awakeners of the Stellar Mysteries, teachers and ritualists of the ancient ways as we begin the second year of training.
Additional date for fully online participants: Sunday 30th March
Beltane 26th & 27th April 2025 (online)
Cycles of Venus/ Synastry of Love
As we enter the Season of Beltane, we dive deeper into the mysteries of Venus/Inanna’s cosmic cycles and She moves through the Solar and Lunar Gateways. We will learn how to cast and read synastry charts, utilising the magic of astrology to heal our relationships, and open our hearts.
Litha 14th & 15th June 2025 (online)
Awakening the Star Oracle/Cycles of Prediction
In this circle we will dive into the intuitive side of our psyche to awaken our ability to predict and prophesise the past, present and future as we access the Akash through the map of the birth-chart for ourselves and others. We will discover how to work with transits and progressions to offer guidance and insight.
Lammas 2nd & 3rd August 2025 (online)
Stellar Cycles /Asteroid Archetypes
In this circle, we will learn how to utilise the ancient magic of the fixed Stars in our readings and teachings, as we attune to their cycles discover how to track their rising and setting. We will embody the wisdom of the Asteroid Goddesses, and learn how they affect the natal chart.
Mabon 6th & 7th September 2025 (online)
Saturn’s Cycles of Soul & Stone
In this circle we will investigate Lady Saturn’s Cycles of Maturation, and other Astrological Rites of Passage, such as the Uranus Opposition and Chiron Return. We will deepen our Knowledge of how the rhythms of Earth and Cosmos interrelate.
Samhain 1st & 2nd November 2025 (in person in Glastonbury)
Pluto’s Cycles of Initiation
In the final circle before our dedication, we will once again look into the Obsidian Mirror of Shadows to face any fears we are still clinging to as we demonstrate and anchor all that we have learnt during the previous two years in a weekend of ceremony and integration.
Additional date for fully online participants: Saturday 15th November
Winter Solstice 6th & 7th December 2025 (online)
In this final circle before our dedication, we will deepen our understanding of techniques of prediction and transformation used by the earliest Star Watchers. We will crystallise all of the knowledge we have gathered, as we weave together the threads of our future.
Dedication 24th & 25th January 2026 (in person in Glastonbury)
Self-Initiation as a Priestess of the Stars
In this final weekend, under the potent energy of a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius the teacher, you will dedicate yourself to the Great Cosmic Mother in sacred ceremony.
Additional date for fully online participants: Saturday 17th January 2026