The Art of Creating Sacred Sound:

Sound Healer Training


Course Dates and Details

Circle One: 28-29 September 2024 (Nada Brahman)

  • What is sound and how can it be used to heal/support healing
  • How to choose your instruments/build your tool kit including considerations around pitch 440 vs 432
  • Music medicine across the globe
  • Basic introduction to key instruments
  • The Science of Sound and benefits of sound healing
  • Sound made visible and introduction to cymatics
  • How sound healing works
  • The power of intention
  • The importance of silence

Circle Two: 2/3 November 2024 (safe sacred space)

  • History and philosophy behind sound and vibration
  • Safety, contraindications, holding safer spaces
  • Subtle anatomy, a view of different healing maps: meridians, chakras, nadis and the biofield.
  • Energetics of healing
  • Principles of sound healing
  • The importance of self-care
  • Group work versus 1:1
  • Deep dive into the gong, the technology behind the gong and techniques
  • Instrument care

Circle Three: 7/8 December 2024 (Nada Yoga)

  • Explorations with voice and activating your own inner sound current
  • Vocal confidence & activation with Mantra, Toning
  • The science of humming and nitric oxide
  • Vocal tips
  • Deep dive into harmonium skills & shruti box
  • Working with singing bowls & crystal bowls
  • General practice/ Workshop on playing incidental instruments- rainstick, flutes, and more

Circle Four: 18/19 January 2025 (sacred geometry of sound)

  • Basics of music theory
  • review of principles of sound healing
  • Sacred geometry of sound and relationship with the cosmos through musical ratios
  • Entrainment
  • Creating acoustic binaural beats
  • General practice & instrumental techniques workshop

Circle Five: 15/16 February 2025 (session structure and building sound)

  • The structure of a group sound healing /bath
  • The structure of 1:1 sound healing treatments
  • Review of creating harmonies
  • Applied theory to layer healing sound
  • Five element theory in the context of sound healing
  • Creating soundscapes
  • The importance of rhythm/or not
  • Deep dive into working with drums
  • General practice/ Workshop building instrumental skills

Circle Six: 29/30 March 2025 (review)

  • Working with the nervous system
  • Trauma informed practice
  • Ethics in practice
  • Sound healing practice time
  • Preparation for assessments
  • Q&A
  • Practice

Circle Seven: 10/11 May 2025 (assessment)

  • Individual and group assessments
  • Closing