Way of the Temple Dancer

Course Dates and Details

Workshop 1: Saturday 7 September 2024

Earth – Workshop of the shadow and light: healing through dance. Finding your soul’s dance

Medicine in Motion will be a day of exploration into the wounds we are ready to heal. Releasing old patterns and beliefs through expression and release. Liberating what the body has been holding on to but no longer needs. You will be guided to unlock your individual movement expression, and find your internal dialogue, while words turn into movement, thoughts and emotions shift between shapes and pauses. This will be done through a safe space of trust and will be fully welcoming to all dancers. Bring a journal as part of this practice involves journaling. We will co-create the shamanic dance of the storm. Workshop one offers an inward Journey to find your souls dance- expression through wounding, heart, life, passion- Survival dance.

Workshop 2: Sunday 8th September 2024

Air – Workshop of the sacred -unlocking the secrets of ancient dance and our ancient self

Exploring ancient dance practices from ancient places

Creating and connecting to our ancient paths, ancient movements, ancient expression and celebration. Journey of Sacred dance, the work you were born to do-soul retrieval. We will co-create the ancient Egyptian dance to the stars

Workshop 3: Saturday 9th November 2024

Fire – Workshop of embodied dance

The embodied ritual dances of the temple dancer are special prayers and offering in devotion of honour and glory to Goddess. Through these performances, the temple dancer is blessed with divine channel, harnessing and empowering our abilities for the soul purpose of enhancing your natural grace and ability in both the performance of dance and to carry forward in personal and professional life. Journey of embodiment- connecting to Goddess. Embodying both self and soul. Deep grounding and deep ascension. We will co-create either the Knossos temple dance, or /and the harvest merriment dance.

Workshop 4: Sunday 10th November 2024

Water – dance celebration

Offerings, dance, expression, bringing forward your divine temple dancer. Certificate of completion.

Way of the Temple Dancer
Way of the Temple Dancer
Way of the Temple Dancer

Way of the Temple Dancer

Course Dates and Details

Workshop 1: Saturday 7 September 2024

Earth – Workshop of the shadow and light: healing through dance. Finding your soul’s dance

Medicine in Motion will be a day of exploration into the wounds we are ready to heal. Releasing old patterns and beliefs through expression and release. Liberating what the body has been holding on to but no longer needs. You will be guided to unlock your individual movement expression, and find your internal dialogue, while words turn into movement, thoughts and emotions shift between shapes and pauses. This will be done through a safe space of trust and will be fully welcoming to all dancers. Bring a journal as part of this practice involves journaling. We will co-create the shamanic dance of the storm. Workshop one offers an inward Journey to find your souls dance- expression through wounding, heart, life, passion- Survival dance.

Way of the Temple Dancer

Workshop 2: Sunday 8th September 2024

Air – Workshop of the sacred -unlocking the secrets of ancient dance and our ancient self

Exploring ancient dance practices from ancient places

Creating and connecting to our ancient paths, ancient movements, ancient expression and celebration. Journey of Sacred dance, the work you were born to do-soul retrieval. We will co-create the ancient Egyptian dance to the stars

Way of the Temple Dancer

Workshop 3: Saturday 9th November 2024

Fire – Workshop of embodied dance

The embodied ritual dances of the temple dancer are special prayers and offering in devotion of honour and glory to Goddess. Through these performances, the temple dancer is blessed with divine channel, harnessing and empowering our abilities for the soul purpose of enhancing your natural grace and ability in both the performance of dance and to carry forward in personal and professional life. Journey of embodiment- connecting to Goddess. Embodying both self and soul. Deep grounding and deep ascension. We will co-create either the Knossos temple dance, or /and the harvest merriment dance.

Way of the Temple Dancer

Workshop 4: Sunday 10th November 2024

Water – dance celebration

Offerings, dance, expression, bringing forward your divine temple dancer. Certificate of completion.