Jennifer Murphy


Jennifer Murphy is Priestess of Avalon & Goddess, Wiccan High Priestess & Priestess of Waters. Jennifer is a qualified YTA Yoga teacher, Degree student of Classics, Published Poet, and international selling Goddess Artist.

Working with magic and Goddess for over 25 years, Jennifer is a passionate embodied writer and visionary of Goddess, Oracle and journeying. Her writing and teachings are brought forward through personal experience, devotion and deep connection to Goddess and her nature. Dance has been a part of her world since the age of 5, ranging from Latin, modern to eastern, club and sacred dance and ancient movement. Performing in various settings Jennifer found her true passion in sacred and ancient dance.

Jennifer loves the threads and energy sacred dance brings forward. It is a magic, all-encompassing energy, which uncoils and awakens your spirit, and simultaneously connects to the ancient lineage of ritual, alchemy and practice.

“My aim is to teach and bridge the pathway between the ancient and the modern, to bring forward what cannot be seen, to open our eyes to the magic and beauty within the world. To reclaim what has been lost and to impassion others upon their paths.”

Jennifer, a mother of two wonderful souls,  works regularly in Glastonbury.