Temple Orchard of Avalon Code of Conduct
- I respect and am supportive of all members of the Temple Orchard of Avalon and endeavour to work harmoniously with all Temple Orchard members both in person and on all online platforms.
- I will continue to study, learn and develop as a Sister/Brother of Avalon or as a Practising Priestess or Priest of the Goddess and or Avalon.
- I aspire to live my life according to the Developing Rites and Responsibilities of a Priestess/Priest of the Goddess and of Avalon, and of a Sister/ Brother of Avalon.
- I embrace the Values of the Motherworld, of love, care and support for all beings and for the Earth Herself.
- When conflict arises between me and another member of the Orchard I will speak directly to the person involved, with support if necessary, calling upon my PIRL* Circle Sister/Brothers for help in resolving the conflict, as well as other Priestesses or Priests or experienced Orchard members.
*PIRL is Priestess In Real Life – PIRL circles are local/regional groups of priest/esses that meet up in person to share and support one another in their priestess work and lives. PIRLs would meet physically however many times they wish, e.g., weekly, monthly, etc. In any area a priestess/priest or a small group needs to take the initiative to start a PIRL in their area. PIRLs have begun in Glastonbury, London and Devon.
See also:
The Developing Responsibilities, Practices and Rites of a Priestess
The Vision of the Motherworld (on main temple site)