Priestess of Avalon Course Tutors

The Priestess of Avalon training course Spirals are led by Priestesses of Avalon Kit Crowther, Patricia Sutherland and Kathy Jones, who have each remembered and reclaimed the roles and titles of Priestess of the Goddess and Priestess of Avalon for themselves in their lives. They have many years’ experience of teaching, healing and working within the transformative energies of the Isle of Avalon.


Kit Crowther, Priestess of Avalon, First Spiral Tutor

Kit is a Priestess of Goddess and Priestess of Sacred Sound. She is grounded in the land of Avalon and Dorset, an avid walker and forager. She is a weaver and group ceremonialist for the online International Goddess Temple. Kit has been working with Spiral One training for a few years now and feels passionate about serving the Lady of Avalon through Priestess training. Kit also offers a day-long Taster course for the Priestess of Avalon Training in Glastonbury (10th May 2025) and also provides a shorter, online version each September for those unable to enjoy the in-person day.


Patricia Sutherland, Priestess of Avalon, Second Spiral Tutor

Patricia resides on the Jurassic coast. She is dedicated in service to the Lady of Avalon in all Her aspects, connecting with Her through Her land, reclaiming the wisdom of the Labyrinth and the energies of Her landscape. She is a teacher, a ceremonialist and has a passion to both embody and be an Oracle for the Lady. As an intuitive healer using Reiki, shamanic practices, sound and crystals Patricia weaves her experience for the well-being of both individuals and the Earth, as well as using diverse divination practices to explore beyond the ordinary. Patricia currently also teaches the Priestess of Gaia course.



The Third Spiral is taught by Priestess of Avalon Kathy Jones

Kathy is a Crone Priestess, a ceremonialist, teacher, healer, initiator, sacred dramatist and the author of several groundbreaking books on the British Goddess, the Sacred Landscape of Avalon and on Soul Healing healing. She has an international reputation as an authority on Goddess. She is a founder of Glastonbury’s famous Goddess Temple and of the annual International Glastonbury Goddess Conference. Kathy teaches other advanced Priestess courses and was the founder of the Soul Healing training, now taught by Karin Persons.