In the Heart of the Goddess

Priestess and Priest of Avalon Training

Email Correspondence Course 2025/26

"Lady of Avalon", by Caroline Lir

“Lady of Avalon”, by Caroline Lir

There are Three Spirals in the Priestess of Avalon Training. The first two Spirals may be taken by Email Correspondence course. The Third Spiral can only be taken by travelling to Glastonbury 3-4 times in one year.

Each of the three Spirals of learning lasts for close to a year so that students can fully experience the faces and ways of the Goddess as She expresses Herself through the cycle of the seasons of Her nature in Brigit’s Isles and in Glastonbury on the Isle of Avalon. The three Spirals need to be taken consecutively, but there can be gaps between years.

During the First Spiral correspondence students will be working under the supervision of teacher and Priestess of Avalon Kit Crowther. Kit teaches the full First Spiral Training in Glastonbury and works closely with Kathy to ensure that students deepen their relationship to the Goddess and to the land of Avalon.

During the Second Spiral students work with Patricia Sutherland and in the Third Spiral with Kathy Jones.

During the First Spiral students train to become Sisters and Brothers of Avalon and need to complete all assignments and homework on time as the Wheel of the Year turns in order to successfully dedicate themselves within this training programme. There may be fines for late homework.

Taking part in the First Spiral Email Course requires focus, self-motivation, application and commitment on the part of students as you work mostly on your own or in small groups with the help of your tutor. In subsequent years students may continue their training to become Priestesses and Priests of the Goddess, and later Priestesses and Priests of Avalon.

During the First Spiral we invite you to visit the Oracle of the Lady of Avalon offered in each season at Goddess House to receive guidance on your path to becoming a Priestess/Priest of Avalon.

As part of your training, during the First Spiral distance students need to be able to attend three three-day tuition sessions in Glastonbury each year, and in the Second Spiral one two-day and two three-day sessions. During the Third Spiral students must attend four circles.

Glastonbury is the Outerworld counterpart to the Otherworld of the Isle of Avalon. To truly become a Sister/Brother or Priestess/Priest of Avalon it is important to become familiar with the actual physical and spiritual landscape of Glastonbury Avalon, even if you live at a distance from Glastonbury, as the land is the gateway to knowledge of the Lady and Her mysteries. Students need to be able to physically walk the landscape of Glastonbury with ease when they come here on visits and it is a good idea to spend extra time on the land when you come for the required visits.

On successful completion of the First Spiral and signing the Temple Orchard Code of Conduct students will be fully recognised within the Temple Orchard of Avalon, the community of Sisters, Brothers, Priestesses and Priests of Goddess and of Avalon.

Beautiful Avalon

First Spiral 2025/26

with Kit Crowther

The 2025/26 Email Correspondence Course begins with a three day visit to Glastonbury, followed by regular assignments, tutorials and supervision spread over one year. This homework will take your time and some effort. Every five-six weeks students are sent by email in Microsoft Word documents, written and experiential tasks to complete over the following weeks. These assignments must be recorded as written work, reports, journal excerpts, art and craftwork with digital photographs where appropriate, and sent by email to Kit or to the Facebook group for assessment and feedback. Distance students will also have the opportunity to telephone or Skype Kit for a personal 30 minute tutorial once every six weeks.

Please do not begin this course if you do not have the necessary time, focus and energy to give to it.

Distance students must attend all  three tuition sessions in Glastonbury during the First Spiral. The first three day session takes place 31st October, 1st November & 2nd November 2025, the second one is 20th, 21st, 22nd March 2026 and the third one is 11th, 12th, 13th September 2026, which includes a Ceremony of Dedication as a Sister or Brother of Avalon. If you are able to, please attend other course weekends.

During these three-day sessions students will be introduced to the landscape, spirituality and culture of Glastonbury Avalon and have the opportunity to spend time in the Glastonbury Goddess Temple and visiting the sacred sites of Glastonbury. They will also meet other students on the Correspondence course and on the Glastonbury course, as well as Self-initiated Priestesses and Priests of the Goddess and Avalon.

Course fees include tuition for these three-day sessions, but do not include accommodation, travel, food or insurance, which must be arranged and paid for separately by the student. Recommendations for variously priced B&B, hotel or private Priestess  accommodation will be given.

Three Spiral Correspondence Course Content

First Spiral

Exploring the Many faces of the Indigenous British Goddess

with Priestess of Avalon Kit Crowther

During the First Spiral students learn about the One and the Many different faces of the indigenous British Goddess as She expresses Herself through the cycle of Her seasons. You will learn about Bridannia, Britannia/Brigit-Ana – the tutelary or guardian Goddess of Brigit’s Isles, and about Brigit, Artha, Rhiannon, Blodeuwedd, Domnu, Madron, Ker, Banbha, Brigantia, Keridwen, Sheela na Gig, Danu, Arianrhod, the Nine Morgens and the Lady of Avalon. You will learn who these ancient Goddesses are and how you can apply Her wisdom in your own life, culture and landscapes. Your personal connection to Goddess expands and deepens and the process of personal transformation begins. For students who complete all coursework successfully, the First Spiral culminates in a special Ceremony of Self-Dedication as a Sister or Brother of Avalon during your third visit to Glastonbury.

Second Spiral

The Practice of Priestess or Priest of the Goddess

with Priestess of Avalon Patricia Sutherland

During the Second Spiral over the course of a year with three visits to Glastonbury in November, February and September, you learn the skills of a Priest/ess of the Goddess and deepen your connection to the Lady and to Avalon. You learn what it truly means to become a Priestess/Priest of the Goddess and of Avalon. You learn how to perform Goddess inspired ceremonies for all of life’s rites of passage – Namings, Puberty, Marriage Blessings, Midlife and Menopause, Divorce and Funerals, with care and attention to detail. You learn to work at a deeper energetic level. You learn about women’s blood mysteries and men’s rites. Gender issues are explored as they relate to your life and the practice of being a Priestess or Priest of Goddess. You learn to travel between the worlds, to scry for visions. You learn how to become an Oracle for the Goddess and how to embody Her in ceremony and for healing. You learn how to thread Her Labrynth on the slopes of Glastonbury Tor, walking the Labrynth in Ceremony.

All of the skills you learn empower you to take on the visible public role of being Priestess or Priest of Goddess in the world, and aid you in creating, supporting and developing new Goddess Events, Communities and Temples in your society and landscape.

The Second Spiral culminates in a special Ceremony in which successful candidates Self-initiate as Priestesses and Priests of the Goddess.

Third Spiral

The Practice of Presence of the Lady of Avalon

with Priestess of Avalon Kathy Jones

To call oneself a Priestess of Avalon is a bold claim and requires a certainty of purpose and commitment that is only gained through having daily experience of the Lady of Avalon, and having knowledge of Her Sacred Landscape. This Practice of the Presence of the Lady of Avalon is a nine-month daily practice, which intensifies every three months, culminating in a special ceremony of Self Initiation as a Priestess or Priest of Avalon. Its purpose is to give you a deeper, more profound experience of the Presence of the Lady of Avalon in your daily spiritual and material life. Each individual practice session lasts between 25-45 minutes. This is an intense personal practice which takes time and requires daily commitment and will bring change into your life.

The Third Spiral is only available by coming to Glastonbury four times (or three times plus an additional day) in the year. Please see the Spiral Three pages under Priestess of Avalon Trainings.

View from the Tor

First Spiral

£1,500 for eight weekends
  • Pay in full, or by deposit and eight monthly instalments by Paypal or standing order. (Monthly payments involve an additional fee of £50).

Second Spiral

£1,500 for eight weekends
  • Pay in full, or by deposit and eight monthly instalments by Paypal or standing order. (Monthly payments involve an additional fee of £50).


Each Spiral takes place in the Goddess Hall, Benedict Street, Glastonbury BA6 9NB, with walks on the sacred landscape of Avalon. Some time will be spent outdoors on some weekends and trainees bring the appropriate clothing and footwear to suit the vagaries of the weather.

Workshop Times

Click on the detail of each Spiral for workshop times.

Reading List

There’s a useful reading list here.

To apply for this course, please see the individual course pages.