Guidelines and Boundaries for all participants in the Three Spirals of the Priestess of Avalon Training
- The purpose of the Priestess of Avalon Training is to bring you into a close and direct connection to Goddess as She expresses Herself in the cycle of the seasons of Her Nature in Brigit’s Isles, and within the lands, mythology and culture of the sacred Isle of Avalon. This is a path of spiritual development, devotion and service to Goddess and Her people, land and creatures.
- Different teaching tools and ceremonies are presented during each circle to aid students in developing a deeper relationship to Goddess, increasing knowledge of Her many faces, encouraging self-knowledge, practical application of priestess skills, and expanding consciousness and soul connection.
- This course is a spiritual Priestess Training. It is not a therapy group. During spiritual development however and as we open our hearts to Goddess, emotional content is likely to arise and is recognised as an important part of the journey. Time will be provided during the training for personal sharing and self-expression, however if issues arise which cannot be successfully met during group work, it is your responsibility to seek the support you need for your process. You are always self-responsible.
- All students in all circles agree to keep confidential the content of another student’s, or their teacher’s sharing. It is the responsibility of all members of the group to create a climate of safety, honesty and respect for each other.
- Students are asked not to engage in gossip about other individuals within the group, or outside of the group. You are asked to become much more self-aware and supportive of others. Please do not undermine, backstab or talk about people behind their backs. If you have an issue please speak directly to the person concerned. If it cannot be resolved in this way ask for help from the tutor and from other Priestesses. This is an important issue within women’s and Goddess communities.
- When there is conflict it is likely that there is an underlying misunderstanding or mis-communication, or possibly a misrepresentation of a truth or fact. Therefore it is of the greatest importance that each person involved in a situation of conflict listens in detail and with as open a heart as possible, to each version of the events that have led towards the situation of conflict. Then s/he is altogether better informed, and more able to understand the particular situation of the other parties involved, and how conflict has arisen.
- In the evolution of an understanding of the conflict, each person must observe the simple rule of taking responsibility for her or his feelings in the first instance and going to the greatest depth possible of revealing these feelings in ownership of them as arising from within her/himself.
- Each student’s priestess journey is their own. Your spiritual growth and service is a deep, private and unique journey between you, your soul and Goddess. We are honoured to accompany and share as deeply and closely as we can with you, and offer to you all we can of our love and experience in this work.
- Glastonbury Goddess Temple is committed to inclusivity for all those who come to find the Goddess. Please be respectful, accepting and open-hearted to those around you who experience their path with the Goddess differently. We will not allow the discrimination of any person in the training, in the Orchard or beyond. Please talk to your course leader if you witness any discrimination within your training.